Promotional Material
This is our own one-page promo leaflet: IHO Spaced Out promo leaflet.
There was a lengthy interview about us with a music sample in the cover-mount CD of Fireworks Magazine #88 (Oct-Dec 2019). Here’s a PDF of the interview: Intergalactic Huso Orchestra – Fireworks.
Local newspaper Kunnallislehti made a full-page story about us on 28-Nov-2019, complete with a review of the album; naturally all in Finnish. The paper itself may be difficult to obtain besides the digital content subscription at Here’s a PDF version of the article: Kunnallislehti 20191126: “Musiikkia Huson ja Linnunradan laidalta”.
Another local paper also honored us with a full-pager on 27-Jan-2020, still in Finnish. Also the paper copy and digital subscription pretty much match the above (subscription here). Here’s the PDF version: Kaarina-lehti 20200127: “Epämusiikkia suoraan sydämestä – ja vinosta päästä”
Spaced Out Reviews
Progen puolelle vaakaa kallistaa yleinen soundimaailma (tymäkät sähkökitaraluukutukset ja avaruudellisina ujeltavat syntikat hallitsevat), rytmimaailmakin osaltaan, kaiken soittamisen matemaattinen tarkkuus ja tiukkuus. Jazzin vapaampia svengikäsityksiä ei juuri haikailla (bop-klassikko A night in Tunisia muuntuu sekin avaruusprogeksi), mutta toki fuusiojazzin maistumat ovat alati lähellä.
Riitalan sävellykset ovat tehokkaan iskeviä ja kahden miehen perusbändi tekee niissä kovaa jälkeä. Jimbo Mäkeläisen muskulaarisen rummuttelun varaan on hyvä rakentaa, ja Riitalan monipuolinen instrumenttiosaaminen mahdollistaa vaikka minkälaisen sinfonian toteuttamisen. Vieraista Teemu Mäkisellä on iso rooli levyn alkupuoliskon toisena soolokitaristina, ja vastaavasti jälkimmäisellä puolikkaalla Ilkka Rantamäen väkevät soolot nousevat rintamasta esille.
Hitusen turhan turboahdettu kaikessa synteettisessä voimallisuudessaan kokonaisuus minun makuuni on, mutta jos proge tai fuusio yhtään iskevät, galaksienvälinen orkesteri kannattaa ilman muuta tsekata omin korvin.
Tapani Hokkanen
Sea Of Tranquility
Their first disc titled Spaced Out was released in May of this year and a fine progressive fusion album it is.
Their vast experience is easily heard throughout the disc’s twelve tracks […]
Spaced Out is a highly listenable slice of fusion that I can easily recommend to any fan of the genre. The guitar and drum work are particularly impressive.
Jon Neudorf
The jazz-rock theme of “Odor In Court” was probably the start of the IHO adventure, which – in addition to the fluid solos – stands out for certain passages that are really intricate with drums.
…while “Old Rabbits Die Hard” takes the most unconventional jazz, at times almost like a soundtrack from film festival, passing from funny solos both of guitar and synthesizer. The most vibrant “A Night in Tunisia” is a classic jazz theme, but brilliantly reworked with the beating and response between Riitala’s synthesizers and IIkka Rantamoliki’s solos, as well as drum beats and spatial digressions. [heh, sorry, Ilkka :)]
…move on to “In Your 80’s Dreams”, whose structure seems to have been really dreamed of by Riitala. As the title suggests, the trend is very ’80s and clearly the verse to the opulent showiness of that decade. However, there are four guitar solos, sometimesZappiani [probably Zappaesque?], three of which are always entrusted to IIkka Rantamӓki. One performs instead Riitala, absolutely roaring, as well as taking care of the score of the vocoder guitar and the various synthesizers.
Really remarkable “In The Absence Of …”, originally conceived after being forgotten at home … the keyboard player! Over time this lack has been fulfilled, but what really strikes here is the variety of solos by Jari and yet another guest, Kari Riihimӓki, who on a fun rhythmic playing they both play in a chameleon-like way without ever distorting the piece. A funky that seems to go on even on the following “Back To The Storm”, but imbued with cosmic and psychedelic moods. Once again, Jari’s solos (whether on the six strings or synthesizers) and IIkka Rantamӓki are very special; the test of Mӓkelӓinen behind the skins is really challenging.
The first part of the album, although very nice, seems a little more approximate, more than anything from a production point of view. The second, despite being characterized by a greater presence of guests and therefore could be more fragmented, instead denotes greater compositional maturity, sounding more decisive and homogeneous. All this probably indicates the chronological difference between the various compositional phases. A fun debut and for long stretches really well played; we hope to have a sequel soon, with a stable band and clear ideas.
Arlequins (a somewhat funny Google translation from Italian)
Kunnallislehti 28.11.2019
As a whole, ‘Spaced out’ is varying and relaxed for a prog album. It mostly steers clear from being artificially artistic and it is boring at most in some places, which is a great achievement in instrumental music of this genre.
Simple combines with complexity in a natural manner.
Perttu Hemminki (IHO translation from Finnish)
Tämän levyn kohdalla nostan kyllä hattua, isosti!
”Spaced Out” on nimittäin hyvinkin kirjava, erityyppisistä biiseistä rakennettu sisäavaruusmatka ilman tyhjiä hetkiä.
Mäkeläinen on joustava ja monipuolinen rytmittäjä.
Erinomaisen maukasta ja melodista!
Pekka Koskivaara
But musically, it’s a cracker as they head off into the world of Weather Report, John McLaughlin and others of that ilk.
Although it’s mainly classic fusion they do reach out into the words of pure jazz, rock and even prog on what is an absolute gem.
The Rocker
The internals of The Rocker site is are a bit difficult to link to. Look for “Reviews Roundup October 25, 2019”. The content was also posted on IHO Facebook page on 27-Oct-2019.
Both Jimbo and Jari obviously have a wicked sense of humour, which demonstrates itself both in the musical compositions, as well as the song titles.
The packaging is a great accompaniment to the music, with insightful notes guiding the listener along the journey. The images used are also stunning, adding to the physical package.
Highly recommended for anyone who enjoys instrumental music based on jazz, but heavy on the fusion element. It is certainly a disc I will return to.
Stefan Hennig
“Spaced Out” is a varied yet harmonious album that never sounds dusty or cramped despite a long production time, but creative and fresh. An all around successful debut of the Husos from Finland.
Lennart Paul (Google translation from German)
Building upon the foundations of classic 1970’s Finnish fusion, Intergalactic Huso Orchestra brings the genre up to date with style and passion. IHO boldly goes where no Finnish fusion band gone before.
Sen fuusioituneet ainekset syöksähtelevät rockiin, jazziin ja progeen virtuoosimaisin virnistyksin, joten käsijarrulle ei ollut tarvetta.
Juha Seitz
Full content in an IHO Facebook post 26-Aug-2019.
Mitään kertakaikkisen pysäyttäviä tähtihetkiä Intergalactic Huso Orchestra ei kenties tarjoa, mutta varsin miellyttävät 64 minuuttia ammattitaitoisesti soitettua hyvän mielen jazzfuusiota.
Matti Pajuniemi
On the second song (Afternoon Romp) they remind of their countrymen XL, and on their level they also act on the remaining songs.
Jürgen Meurer (Google translation, slightly improved but still clunky)
Full content and translation in an IHO Facebook post 17-Jul-2019.
… it is instead highly enjoyable music, based on really engaging grooves, even in the most technical moments.
Rock Impressions (translation from Italian)
Progressiver Jazz/Fusion, wie man ihn hören möchte: kreativ, dynamisch, traditionell und doch im modernen Gewand
Horst-Werner Riedel